Zoom: An Epic Journey Through Circles
By Viction-Viction, illustrated by Camilla Falsini
Have you ever wondered just how big our world actually is? Humble beginnings lead to huge adventures in the Zoom series, where young readers are lifted out of everyday life to see the world in a brand-new way.
One story begins with a boy and an ice cream cone, and each turn of the page takes the reader one step back to show an entirely new perspective. Each spread has a die-cut shape (circle, square, or triangle) showing a hint of the next page’s bright, geometric illustrations, allowing readers to follow the shapes from a scoop of ice cream all the way to the spiral of the galaxy itself, with new details revealed every step of the way. What circles, squares and triangles will you spot in the world around you after taking an epic journey outward with Zoom?
- Victionary, 2018
- Board book, 22 pages
- 7 x 8 inches
- Recommended for ages 2-4
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