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Michael Decker: P.S. I Love You

Michael Decker: P.S. I Love You

$40.00    Member Price: $36.00

By Michael Decker

This book was produced on the occasion of Michael Decker's exhibition P.S. I Love You at Campbell Hall Gallery, November 17, 2023–January 19, 2024. 

"For the body of work he produced for P.S. I Love You he sourced almost all of the objects, which often employed corporate produced slogans and images of hope, care, and a more connected, human world. These objects and images, if it were not for Michael's eyes and hands, would be gone, into the landfill, the landfill that is lurking there for all of us, along with the hopes and feelings that they pointed to. If only there were more exhibitions like this. That's the hope of these objects, to stay out, stay alive, looked at, reflecting back to you, you who are not yet in the landfill. I love you too." - Joe Sola

Designed by Becca Lofchie, the book features installation photography by Jeff McLane. It includes texts by Joe Sola and Catherine Taft, along with an interview conducted with Lee Lorenzo Lynch in August 2023. An additional section, "Earlier Works," is also featured.

  • Michael Decker, 2024
  • Hardcover, 100 pages
  • 7 x 10 inches

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